juegos friv

A juegos friv  is an activity that is used for the fun and enjoyment of the participants; on many occasions, even as an educational tool. The games usually differ from the work, but in many cases these are not too clear difference. Also, a game is considered a recreational exercise subject to rules. The first reference to games that exists is the year 3000 BC Games are considered to be part of a human experience and are present in all the culturas.1 probably, tickling, combined with laughter, be one of the first activities of the human being, at the time as one of the first communicative activities prior to the emergence of language.

The game is an inherent to human activity. All of us have learned to interact with our family, material, social and cultural field through the game. It's a very rich, spacious, versatile and ambivalent concept involving a difficult categorization. Etymologically, the researchers refer to the word game comes from two words in latin: "iocum and ludus-ludere" both refer to joke, fun, joke, and are often used interchangeably with the term playful activity. Racing.

They have stated countless definitions about the game, as well, the dictionary of the Royal Academy sees it as a recreational exercise subject to rules which is won or lost. However own this polysemy and the subjectivity of different authors imply that any definition is not more than a partial approach to the playful phenomenon. It can be said that the game, like any socio-cultural reality, is impossible to define in absolute terms, and therefore definitions describe some of their features. Among the best-known conceptualizations we aim as follows:

Huizinga (1938): The game is an action or free occupation, that develops into a certain spatial and temporal limits, according to absolutely obligatory rules, although freely accepted, action that has purpose in itself and is accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy and awareness - be otherwise - than in everyday life. Gutton, p. (1982): It is a privileged form of child expression. Cagigal, J.M (1996): Free, spontaneous, selfless and inconsequential that occurs in a temporal and spatial limitation of usual life, subject to certain rules, established or improvised and action whose information element is the tension.

In conclusion, these and other authors such as Roger Caillois, Moreno Palos, etc. in their definitions include a number of characteristics common to all views, which some of the most representative are:

The game is a free activity: it is a voluntary event, no one is forced to play. It is located in some space limitations and in some temporal imperatives established in advance or improvised in the moment of the game. It has an uncertain character. To be a creative, original and spontaneous activity, the final result of the game fluctuates constantly, what motivates the presence of a pleasant uncertainty that captivates us all. It is a demonstration that has purpose in itself, is free, unbiased, unimportant. This feature will be very important in the game since it does not allows any failure. The game takes place in a world apart, fictitious, is like a game narrated with actions, away from everyday life, a continuous symbolic message. It is a conventional activity, since all game is the result of a social agreement established by the players, who designed the game and determine its internal order, their limitations and their reglas.3

Difference between play and sport

Currently, just like that with the definition of game, there are countless conceptions of sport according to the author that you take as a reference: Coubertain, Demeny, Cacigal, Parlebas, Garcia Ferrando, etc. Also making another synthesis of these authors we could define sport and differentiate it from the simple game in the following manner:

Sport is a set of motor and intellectual situations juegos friv that differs from the game that seeks the competition with each other or with itself, that requires specific rules and that is institutionalized. Character

The game has a universal character, i.e., that persons of all cultures have always played. Many games are repeated in the majority of societies.

It is present in the history of humanity despite the difficulties at certain times to play, as in the first industrial societies.

It evolves according to the age of the players and has different characteristics depending on the culture in which they study.